darkest, most sinister and evil event in this whole affair.
On Sunday evening – 20th July - David Kelly’s dentist telephoned Thames Valley Police (TVP) to report the loss – and recovery – of David Kelly’s dental record.
I have detailed this in Chapter 3 - “A Visit to the Dentist”.
The bottom line of this matter is that nothing had been lost and no obvious crime had been committed.
All in all something of a non-event.
A non-event, but for the fact that the name – “Dr David Kelly” – was given in the telephone call to TVP.
The key facts of the matter are not in doubt. TVP has released two accounts of the event; one at the end of the Hutton Inquiry and one in 2011. Links to these are detailed at the end of this Chapter.
My Account
I was able to gain access to, and the confidence of, the senior staff at the Ock Street Clinic – as it was in 2003. I have spent about five hours talking with them.
Entrance to Ock Street Dental Clinic |
This is the first time they had revealed this information to a third party. They seemed very relieved to find someone empathetic to discuss it with.
I have no doubt that my account here is a true and accurate account of events.
Needless to say, the actual events are only vaguely related to TVP’s statements.
I should add that Dr Bozena Kanas, who was David Kelly’s dentist, has never conceded this fact because of some NHS rules on patient confidentiality.
Key Issues
- Why was David Kelly’s dental record stolen and then returned?
- What happened after David Kelly’s dentist reported the matter to TVP?
Why was David Kelly’s dental record stolen and then returned?
The managers and civil servants, in whose care David Kelly died, wanted to cover up the true events.
They discussed all possible options with Command & Control (C&C).
One option was to destroy David Kelly’s body by some means: acids, alkalis enzymes, fire etc. The teeth are the most difficult to destroy and can be used to identify a body, providing the dental record is available.
Therefore C&C issued a command to steal David Kelly’s dental record from the Ock Street Clinic. I have described these events in Chapter 14 - “A Second and Third Visit to the Dentist”.
This was a truly horrendous crime plan – a satanic scheme.
However, as events evolved on the night, this plan - one of many - was put aside. It followed that the dental record had to be returned. This was done as described in Chapter 14.
C&C were confident that the brief loss of the record would not be noted; the Clinic probably had 10,000 or more records.
But – they were wrong!
I can only imagine that when they learned that their theft had been discovered they would have gone into a meltdown.
In the situation they had three options.
1. The first was to do nothing. Ignore it, don’t give the story any credence.
2. The second was to appear to treat it as a trivial matter. Just send a policeman along to take a few notes.
These were OK – but neither of these options could prevent the Clinic staff talking about the events.
They would have to apply a bigger, more dramatic response to ensure the Clinic staff remained silent.
3. Thus the events described below occurred.
What happened after David Kelly’s dentist reported the matter to TVP?
Three “Men in Black” - Police Officers arrived from London |
The response was extraordinary.
On the Monday morning (21st July) “Men in Black” arrived, from London, at the surgery – three in all!
They quickly introduced themselves, as plain clothed Police Officers from London but were reluctant to enlarge upon that – the staff didn’t remember names, rank or division – even if they had been given. One of the partners thought that they were led by an officer of Chief Superintendent or higher.
These officers have a deft skill of introducing themselves in such a way that you soon realise you can’t recall them afterwards.
They had arrived in response to Dr Bozena Kanas’s telephone call of the previous evening.
Then they took the busy dental practice over. Somehow dental work continued while they did their work.
All the staff were interviewed and had fingerprints and DNA samples taken. Whether they readily consented to this is not clear.
Two of the staff had just gone on holiday to Majorca. Without hesitation two police officers were flown out to the island to similarly interview them. The urgency to do this must have been to ensure their silence.
One of the dentists, Robert Farrant, described the scene on the day as unbelievably surreal. It had a profound effect upon him – in respect of his regard for civil liberties and the government.
Another dentist – John Ansell – said that when TVP’s Michael Page had announced the details of the missing dental record at the end of the Hutton Inquiry – September 2003 - all the dentists in the region were bombarded – like a “blitzkrieg” – in an effort to identify the dentist concerned.
Silence, Silence, Silence
One of the obvious objectives of this visit was to impress upon the Clinic staff the importance of total secrecy.
C&C didn’t want any hint of their horrendous plan to reach the public.
This worked - there has been a complete silence about this matter by the practice staff. One can only assume that the officers “advised” – by some strong arm means or another - the staff to keep this matter secret – and they did.
Clearly the three Men in Black had done a good job.
The silence has been total.
Then a Mrs Jayne Venables identified the practice in 2011.
Mrs Venables was writing a play about David Kelly’s death. She wanted to clarify the “dental matter”; she telephoned many of the dental practices in the area – leaving a message explaining her want. Late on a Sunday evening she got a very guarded call from the Ock Street Clinic. From the concern they expressed about her interest she realised that they had revealed themselves as David Kelly’s dentist.
Sometime later I gained the confidence of the Clinic staff.
Thus C&C’s secret is now out.
Ock Street Clinic Timeline
The timeline of events at this dental surgery in the quiet market town of Abingdon is quite extraordinary.
Events began on the night of Thursday 17th July – before David Kelly’s body had been “found”.
Friday/Saturday night - Dental Team burglary to return David Kelly’s record.
Sunday evening - Dr Kanas reports the loss/recovery of David Kelly’s record to TVP.
Sunday evening/night - C&C presumed to have gone into a meltdown.
Monday morning - “Men in Black” – Police Officers arrive from London – to turn the surgery upside down. They ensure that every staff member is “sworn to secrecy”.
Tuesday morning - two “Men in Black” fly to Majorca to “interview” two surgery staff on holiday.
I have no doubt that the objective of these dramatic “staff interviews” was to ensure their silence.
The Importance of The Dental Record issue
To repeat what I said at the start of this Chapter -
C&C had to ensure that this matter did not get into the Public Domain.
My First Impressions
When I began to look into the cause of David Kelly’s death I was faced with a myriad of issues or items; many were quite bizarre.
I realised that I had to focus on the events directly related to the cause of David Kelly’s death. Other issues, of which there were many, were not for me.
Nevertheless, I was faced with a pile of jigsaw pieces – some began to fit, others didn’t.
I saw the matter of David Kelly’s dental record as a bizarre piece – potentially very important – with flashing red lights on it! But - almost impossible to find a home for it. No-one seems to have tried to make any detailed study of this matter.
Eventually the evidence I got from the dental practice was so good that my jigsaw had to fit the “dental record” – and this it did.
The overall “fit” of the jigsaw pieces confirmed to me the accuracy and integrity of the rest of my picture of David Kelly’s death.
My Last Impressions
- The revelation of the Dental Record puzzle confirms for me that my general theory of how David Kelly died is accurate.
- There may be the odd glitch – but the principle is true.
- The issue of the Dental Record is evidence of how C&C (The Government/Establishment) is prepared to use the most sinister of methods to cover up its errors.
TVP statements on the Dental Record
To TVP Officer Page at Hutton -
see paragraph 202.
To Attorney General Office’s (AGO’s) note on dentist –
see “TVP – 6”, part of a complex legal application to the Attorney General’s Office in 2011.
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